Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tennessee Tweed

I had a turn on the drum carder this morning.  When we were at the Maryland Sheep and Wool show last month we bought some Lincoln  wool (roving).  I wasn't absolutely sure what I'd do with it, but since then have worked up an idea to make some tweed material for a waistcoat.  The wool is naturally coloured a darkish brown with lots of grey streaked through it and it has very long fibers which will mean I can spin a quite thin 3ply yarn.

As the eventual cloth will be a broken twill I need a contrasting (or at least different) colour so I tried a 50/50 blend of Clun Forest and Lincoln.  It has come out quite well.  I did a quick 1 oz batt and stretched that into roving.

Original to the left, and blended roving wound on stick.
I had also run some CF locks through a food colouring dye process - there are samples in the photo above.  I have about 3 times this amount.  It will be introduced randomly during the spinning process to give little snips of colour through the yarn/cloth.

I still have about 4 skeins of Alpaca to make - so won't be spinning this until sometime next month.  As far as the cloth - that will be about two more (loom) projects away.  In the meantime I'll continue carding the wool in preparation.

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