Sunday, June 10, 2012

Right Side of the Bed Rug

After completing the warp a week or so ag0 we managed to get going again on the RSofBR.  Our visitors J&J departed today for Philadelphia and as it was going to be 90+ degrees outside we decided we could stay inside and get the loom dressed and weaving.
Two hands make the threading easier...
Sleying the reed
 With the loom set up we prepared a little bit of roving, and with the weft yarn all ready used some heavy three ply to spread the warp then wove 1" of tabby which will become the sewn end, Next is 4 shots of roving (at half the ends per inch) then 4 shots of yarn then repeat. In each 4 shots of roving we are adding random bits of blue roving to add some colour.
3 repeats 
In the photo above is the inch of tabby at the bottom then roving (ending up as weft faced) separated by 4 shots of tabby.  The warp is in stripes which shows up in the tabby against the white weft.

I'm not the weaver for this one (it's Anne's project).

It's coming out pretty much as I imagined it would - now to see what a complete rug will look like :-)

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