Sunday, June 17, 2012

Spinning Woolen

A couple of us at the Third Thursday Spinning group were discussing the different spinning techniques and we agreed that of all the methods the one we were most familiar with was the long backward draw - used when spinning woolen (vice worsted or some hybrid).

I said I'd prepare some rolags and bring them to the next meeting and we can have a go and perhaps pick up some tips from the more experienced (in this mode) spinners.  That led to problem number one - I'm not very good at hand carding - all the CF we have prepared has either been through the drum carder or combed.  So today I broke out the hand cards and gave it a go.
Ashford hand carders and a number of rolags
I have an Ashford book on carding (it came with the drum carder) which also shows how to card with the hand carders - I've tried before and get all confused about left and right hands, top and bottom of carder etc, so today I jumped on the Internet and found some fairly straight forward instruction videos on the subject.  As it turns out the three I watched were all quite different, but in the end with some logic applied I got into the swing of it and managed to start producing workable (I think) rolags.  We'll find out at the next meeting!!

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