Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final wash

The alpaca/wool skein order is now complete and only needed a wash to set the yarn and remove any final dust/dirt.  I used my standard wash of a little dawn dishwashing detergent in the wash water, then a clean water rinse followed by another with a little vinegar in it.  They came out clean after the two rinses and smell very fresh and clean.  A little drying time on the line and they will be ready to deliver (Friday hopefully).

Final step before delivery
Totals were: 15 skeins (and a small 10 yard 'remainder'), each approx 2 oz, and around 100 yards.  Total weight was 1 lb 15.1 oz. Near enough to the 2 lb planned.  This used up all of the white alpaca that was sorted from the multi-color fleece.  Being a 50/50 mix as carded I used about a pound of Clun Forest so will take 1 lb of the remaining brown alpaca for my own use as per our deal with the customer.  This is 'Fine' wool (about 13 or 14 wraps per inch) that has an alpaca soft feel but has the added 'wear/strength' of the Clun Forest.  Would work on most knitting/crochet work and I would happily weave with it.  I suspect it would take most any dye.

As potentially planned Anne has taken on the task of twisting the fringes on the baby blanket and has completed two sides in a couple of sessions.  There are less warp ends to twist so she is near 2/3 of the way.  Photo's to follow on completion.

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