Monday, October 29, 2012

Frankenstorm I

Hurricane Sandy plus the other events, used to equal 'Frankenstorm', but that has now been changed to 'Super Storm' - given the Halloween reference/timing, I prefer the former.  So, with the Federal Government shut down today, I had a day of fiber work plus a few other bits and pieces (a walk, in the rain, to top up our bread and eggs not that we really needed it, but it was nice to get out).

The Alpaca spinning has gone well with nearly half the 8oz spun into 2ply. It's very enjoyable to spin and ply and has filled a pleasant few hours today.  We are off again tomorrow so no doubt there'll be more progress.
As supplied (bottom) and finished skeins (top)
And of course the mountain of flicked wool has grown with my small pile of combed wool growing only a little.  I like to take a break from spinning after 30-40 minutes to do something else, so did some combing in between.  I've enough combed top to spin another skein (like the blue ribbon 3 ply) and will keep going until I have enough for a larger project - mainly driven by the fact I have a very large bag of the best of the long staples that Anne sorted while picking through the washed wool.

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