Monday, October 8, 2012

2nd Alpaca Scarf

I began the second scarf this morning; weaving with the temple in place this time.  So far it is all going very smoothly.  The draw in is approximately half and inch, but with the temple the reed is hitting the fell line with all the warp threads parallel thus no stretching, a nice even selvedge, and no broken threads.
Weaving alpaca on the Dorothy loom (with temple)
So far I am about 1/2 way though the second scarf - having had the day off (Columbus Day).  I also took some time to darn in all the ends (from broken warp threads) on scarf number one.
Alpaca scarf number 2
To use all the alpaca two-ply, the number 3 scarf may have some stripes - I'll have to work on some colour schemes.

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