Thursday, October 15, 2015

Llama order

We finished the brown/black portion of the llama fleece a little while back  The final part was to give it a final wash to remove any remaining dust/dirt and set the yarn.  It turned out to be a little over a pound of yarn in 8 skeins.

Llama yarn after final wash
I'm awaiting word back from the owner before dropping off these skeins.  We still have the other 'half' - the white/cream part of the fleece which is a slightly larger amount, so I'm expecting 10 skeins.  Anne does a lot of the picking where we thoroughly remove all visible VM and guard hairs. We are left with a big box of fluffy wool which goes through the drum carder in 1 oz lots.  I have found that once through is enough with this wool then I use a diz and remove it directly from the large drum as roving.  I then pre-draft that roving to give me a perfect spinning diameter roving.

Llama roving ready to spin.
The 1 oz limit is a comfortable amount for the carder - it can hold 2 oz of fibre but at the 1 oz mark I can spin that roving onto one bobbin, spin another, and the result when plied is a 2 oz skein regardless of the thickness of the singles I spin.  This white batch I am spinning a little thicker. It is quicker and also will give the owner another type of wool to sell as up until now most has been spun at fingering or fine.

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