Sunday, September 6, 2015

Wool processing

1 lb of Clun Forest batts
I attended the Tennessee Valley Handspinners guild meeting yesterday in Knoxville and took the 9 batts of Clun Forest wool along as at the last meeting I went to one spinner bought my complete stock.  Anne and I finished the 9 batts above on Friday after spending some evening TV time flick carding washed locks.

Before the meeting had even started all 9 were gone to a spinner from the Townsend Artisan Guild (they host the Smokey Mountain Fibre Arts Festival each year - this year I did spinning demonstrations and sold a little bit of product there).  She had tried my Clun Forest wool before and has in fact made a felt scarf from it, which is entered into a fibre show (photo's to follow).  She loves the way it felts and takes dye and has great plans for this batch of wool.

Also at the meeting I was asked to do weaving demonstrations at a one day fibre festival in Townsend and while there look at an old loom the guild has been given, to see if it can be restored back to use.  If so, can I do it for them.  There may be some work in that exercise.

Today I have started back on the llama fleece.  First job was to sort it into light and dark colors.  There is a total of 3.8 lb of raw wool, but after blowing out the dust, scouring and removing guard hairs, then carding there will likely be 2.5 lbs give or take a bit.  That will still produce nearly 20 skeins which is the largest order to date.  More to follow as the processing continues.

Llama sorted by color.

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