Thursday, November 24, 2011

Third Thursday Spinners

I mentioned some time back that the 'project' we decided on for our monthly spinning group (sub-group of the Fiber Guild) was to 'spin' paper.  Some are doing better than others.

In Japan it is customary to spin a particular type of rice paper into quite strong strands that can in turn be woven - and they use these as work clothes (in the field I am guessing). Two of the members are doing this, another spun some newspaper (hard), another spun and created a small bowl (crochet). I started with varying thicknesses of brown paper - first on the wheel - disaster: it just wouldn't get through the orifice and onto the hooks/bobbin, just too twisted, and once jammed it then spun tighter and broke.  I tried some on the drop spindle with only a little more success.

I then found out that coffee filters (used or new) could be spun as they have some form of plant fiber in them.  Voila - combine the two and away I went; still using the drop spindle.  The process involves cutting long strips of both materials and then. effectively, spinning/twisting them together.
'Spun' paper on the drop spindle and the frame loom in front

I built a small frame loom (on a wooden chopping block) with nails and foam board so that I could hand weave the 'yarn' into coffee cup coasters.
Weaving with the shed open (knitting needle)
The paper yarn retained quite a twist - making it tricky to pull through the warp without catching, but a little bit of tension on both ends while doing the threading seemed to work.
The finished coaster
I now need to make at least 3 more to make a 'set' ready to display on our group table at the Guild Christmas meeting in a few weeks.

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