Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New apron

As mentioned - one task was to remove the old string from the cloth beam (some broken strands) to re-use in fixing the couple of broken strings on the sectional warp beam (at the back).  I had bought a new cloth apron from Macomber - which comes complete with new staples and everything ready to fit, so the string had to go anyway.

I took my time carefully removing the old string in one piece so that I can re-use it on the back.  I also also managed to save most of the old staples (is that my Father coming out in me :-)  for re-attaching the back strings.

The apron went on easily and is now all set up for the first 'tie-up' when I dress the loom.

Removing string from cloth (front) beam

String and staples removed

Apron (unwound and in position over breast beam)

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