Sunday, July 24, 2011


Starting to ramp up the production now - running just the best locks through the flick carding process, and then drum carding into batts.

At the monthly spinning group meeting I asked if anyone had a 'picker' - and now have a couple of avenues to pursue to try out a picker (either at another club or possibly on loan) to see what difference it makes (obviously speed over flick carding) and if the quality will be the same.  It will remove the vegetable matter from the scoured wool - essential if I end up storing for some time and/or taking any home.

Lock (left) and flick carded lock (right)
Finished skeins, batts, and flick carder ('pillow' wool residue in background)
The latest skein was from a bobbin I filled to the max and came out at 226 yds and 1.9oz.  If I continue that then I would only need 6 of them for the 'scarf' project (next blog)

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