Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Townsend Artisan Guild

As previously mentioned I decided to join this guild after interacting with them regularly over the last two years.  Unlike other guilds I have joined this one has 3 types of memberships - all cost the same amount but only one allows the member to promote their work through the guild web site, sell items at the various guild festivals and at the guild gallery/shop in Townsend.

To join as an artist you need to submit items to a jury who decide whether or not it is of appropriate quality to be associated with the guild.  I'm initially only going to apply for the Natural Fiber category - later I may try others - the cost is the same for one or many.

The trick was to select a variety of items that I feel represent my work/abilities.  I eventually narrowed it down to 4 woven items and 4 spun items.

Items ready to pack
These items need to be dropped off at the gallery in Townsend in the next couple of days I will take a trip up there - have a coffee in our favorite coffee shop in TN "the Artistic Bean", drop off the package and drive back.  The actual jury process takes place on the 19th so I should know after we return from the wedding in NC.

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