Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Return to Blog

It's been nearly a year since the last entry - not because I haven't been working fiber, but entirely as I have been neglecting to post info regularly - I did save it all with the intention of catching up, and there was the occasional fiber related Facebook post - but nothing like the detail needed.  So back to blogging with my current project which will be a wedding present for a family wedding we are going to in October.

I have done linen placemat sets for weddings before and they look appropriately up market, so it was an easy choice for this wedding.  The young couple are very big fans of the Grand Tetons so the plan is to have the colored stripe reflect the colors of the mountain range (future blog)

The last two times I have woven with linen I have experienced tangles (and that is understating the nature of the tangles) despite warping under tension and every other trick I could think of.  Anyway I decided early on I'd take a different approach (next blog entry).

The loom is dressed and I've woven the first couple of inches and have paused at the start of the colored stripe - as it still needs to set and be rinsed/washed I'll move on to the next blog.

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