Thursday, December 20, 2012

CoNZ Placemat weaving

Another day and I have finished off the threading of the headles (after work on Wednesday) then managed to sley the reed and tie off the warp before calling it a day.  Today after work I was able to weave in some packing weft and weave the first inch or two of weft to check for any treadling/sleying errors.

None spotted, but I'll be checking a bit more, in daylight just to make sure.
2/3 of the heddles threaded, notice the twisting of the warp yarn.
This dressing of the loom went so much more smoothly that the last linen - paying way more attention to making sure nothing tangled and effectively taking it a little slower, worked and it was still a lot faster than with the extra day needed on the last warp when it flew into a huge tangle as I wound it on.
Heddles threaded and reed sleyed
As in the last placemats and using 20/2 linen again the sleying is a nice neat two per dent on the 12 dent reed.
First 1.75 inches woven
The next step is to prepare the dyes and mordant for the coloured stripe - a job for tomorrow/the weekend, with this time it being paua themed colours and I'll be trying a new and improved method for doing more linen at a time.  This placemat will be the testbed.

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