Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Back to Spinning

It's been quite a while since I did anything fibre related.  First it was visitors to work - then a trip up to Ottawa for a week, all taking most of my work and not-work time organising.  Incidentally the little bit of free time we had in Ottawa included a trip to Wabi-Sabi ( a great outlet for everything from roving to yarn to finished items to classes.  We spent some time there but didn't actually find anything we really needed.

But since we've been back I have started spinning the alpaca needed to finish the 3rd scarf of the alpaca series.
3 colours of alpaca with scarf #2
I still have one skein of dark to go and then will work out what the design for the stripes will be. I'm thinking a Fibonacci sequence maybe - depending on how it looks on the predominantly medium/coffee warp, but probably quite interesting if swapping between the cream and dark.

I'll have to take my wheel with me on the Thanksgiving trip tomorrow - we are in Greenville NC for a couple of days - as I most certainly won't be going out shopping on Friday which will give me an opportunity to produce the last skein.

The linen, ordered from Yarn Barn is not here yet (supply problems) so the Christmas deadline has now gone.  I'll hopefully be weaving the placemats some time soon and they will be ready a little after Christmas.  Otherwise it's now looking at 'last projects' before everything is packed up for storage and we move to NZ for a year (two looms, but no spinning wheel there, although I might be able to borrow one)

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