Sunday, September 9, 2012

Spinning again

After a week long trip down through Tennessee then up to Ohio for two weddings (the placemats were a huge hit), we're back and I'm back spinning again.  We spent some time visiting areas where we are considering eventually relocating to, and found some great places, saw some nice homes/land and connected in a small way with the fibre community  All in all: successful.

I decided to do a small trial of the Tennessee Tweed fine 3 ply.  It has come out pretty well and while it will certainly take a while to spin all the wool, it will be worth it to weave into cloth for a couple of waistcoats.  To re-cap, it will be half like this (Lincoln Longwool with flecks of coloured Clun Forest) and half Lincoln Longwool and CF blend with flecks of coloured CF) and the two shades woven into a point twill/herringbone cloth.

The first real sample of TT

21 wraps per inch - Fine
The CF spinning for the Right Side of the Bed Rug is going well and I'm back doing that now.  About half way or so...

2 skeins 320 yards

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