Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Roving Rug

As preparation for making a rug from Clun Forest roving - I've converted some batts into roving.  The trick will be to keep it relatively consistent so that the roving (used as weft) will be fairly even.  I think a couple of shots of roving and then a couple of the standard 2-ply yarn to tie it all together should do.  I'll also have to make some nice bulky yarn for weaving the start and finish.  I already have the warp linen as I bought plenty prior to weaving the rag rug.

Here's a couple of rolls of roving (3 batts each).  As I/we get more consistent at making the roving I'll measure how long each batt becomes in the process.  With that we can then calculate how much roving we will need for an X by X rug.  We have no shortage of either batts or flick carded locks ready for the drum carder, and this will be a great way of converting the large number of bags of wool we have in the cupboard into something we can use.

Two rolls of CF roving

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