Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Scarves finished

Spent some time this afternoon finishing the weaving and then the hemstitching and fulling.  The last scarf only had 10 or so inches to weave so didn't actually take too long and the hemstitching (same method I used for the CF blue striped scarves) was simple.  I've fulled them and they are now flat on the drying rack and should dry overnight. 

I've had interest in two and possibly the third - that would be great if they all sold straight off!

#3, 2 and 1

All three a slightly different (length, fringe length and with #3 the pattern).  I certainly learnt a few things during the process, but in general they were fairly straight forward to weave and the little Leclerc Dorothy loom performed perfectly throughout. 

I really like the way the herringbone throws up distinct lines (in the warp direction) along with the obvious colour changing stripes.

The other good news is that the Yarn Barn contacted me to say the 20/2 linen has finally arrived and was shipped a day ago - it should be here by the weekend so I will be able to move straight on to weaving placemats again, although I'll have to 'paint/dye' some weft yarn for the stripes before that starts.

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