Monday, July 2, 2012

Weaving on the Dorothy

After a delay for a week (trip to Florida then Ohio), I've finally finished dressing the loom and started weaving.  I had the loom dressed on Friday but wasn't happy with the crammed and spaced layout - the spaced part was WAY too spaced.  So with a quick re-sley I put some normal sett spacing in the center and then moved all the rest 'in' onto that.  It looks a lot better, and will weave up fairly easily.

First two inches
The photo doesn't really do justice to the 3 colours in use - perhaps in full daylight it might come up better.  The weave structure is twill - and the varying 'angle' is because the warp changes from normal to crammed, to normal, to spaced to normal and repeats.  The normal sett is at 45 degrees the crammed steeper, the spaced less.

It will be interesting to see how it holds up once off the loom.

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