Sunday, July 3, 2011


After the somewhat tangled mess that was the llama wool - this CF wool is a dream to card.  Previously flick carded to 'open up' the locks, and get rid of most of the vegetable matter, the locks are then lined up on the drum carder and wound in.  The process lifts them up with the small roller and they are then picked up by the faster traveling large roller.  They wind on to the large roller and you generally stop when the wire teeth are about half full.

The process is repeated just to ensure the fibres are all lined up.  I've found twice through is plenty for this wool.  Blending with other fibres or colours would mean more trips through the carder.
The Ashford (NZ) drum carder
The batts of top are rolled after removal from the drum and then they can be 'stretched' out to make sliver - ready to spin.
Rolled batts of top

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