Friday, September 29, 2017


I dropped off the Neme skeins and picked up another fleece to process.  Pam had mentioned that the most popular skeins she takes to barter with are white colored because people like to dye them.  A quick check of her fleeces found a 2015 one from Moonshadow that is mostly white with a dark black as well.

2.2 lbs raw weight of Moonshadow fleece
The locks seem to be a good consistent length and apart from a little bit of dust accumulation at the cut end the fleece is in pretty good condition.  There are some minor second cuts, but I should be able to sort those out while sorting and washing.  Anne will be pleased as her favorite activity while watching TV is to remove guard hairs - this being llama it has plenty but they are really obvious and simple to remove in the early sorting/washing.

Llama guard hairs in the locks.

It took a little under 15 minutes to sort the colors into white, black and the rest, then I quickly removed the guard hairs from a sample of black.  In the photo below you can see the sorted color with the small back pile top left being the guard hair removed pile.

Sorted locks.
Next job is to start washing batches after blowing the dust out of them first which will leave clean locks ready for carding and spinning.  They get another wash to set the yarn on completion and that removes any final dirt/dust.

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