The final work of the day yesterday was to start the baby blanket (a gift for a baby due near the end of June). This is a Yarn Barn of Kansas kit using washable acrylic/wool/nylon blend that features a twisted fringe all the way around - a first attempt at this for me.
Before starting this and included in the chores for the day were bake bread and transfer the conditioned beer to a keg. Both done and for the bread I did two recipes - my standard loaf incorporating the left over grain from brewing and for the first time an Italian olive bread.
Italian olive bread fresh from the oven. |
The warp for the blanket has been done for a month and hanging over the loom, so it was definitely time to start on it. It's not a long warp so the spreading out through the raddle went pretty smoothly.
Beginning to spread warp. |
The raddle is borrowed from the upright loom - my normal one wasn't quite wide enough so will have to look into building one for the full 56" Macomber.
Fully spread, showing the shades of grey. |
Eventually finished - and in the little weaving room (the one bedroom in the house without a ceiling fan) the slight haze in the photo, I'm sure, is the fug from me sweating so much! Or perhaps the funny colour from the bright lamp I use at the back of the loom? Tonight I will lash it on to the back beam and wind it on ready to thread the heddles (easy job - it is just a tabby), and sley the reed. My stainless steel reed is a 12 dent and I don't have a large 10 dent (for the 10 epi). I will have to clean my 8 dent reed and sley 1-1-1-2.