Wednesday, June 4, 2014

'Work begun'

Finally fitted in some time for fiber work. Driven by the need to have some samples to take to the guild meeting this Saturday and also by that feeling of guilt that other jobs have been higher on the list.

So today after a quick trip to the shops, watering the hops and roses, then mowing lawns and trimming edges - I finally got started.

Set up on the kitchen table
The first thing I discovered was that a round table isn't great for an Ashford drum carder which needs a straight edge or corner to clamp to efficiently. I compromised with just one of the two camps. I could add the table extension to the table to get a straight side at some stage though.

First batt in TN
With a batt all ready it was time to get spinning, which I did in a couple of very un-serious sessions of 15 minutes or so, between fixing the hop trellace and putting away the tractor before the rain came. Small progress, but at least a start.

Set up in the lounge. No furniture yet.
The forecast for tomorrow is for a rainy start - perfect to continue with this...