Friday, February 7, 2014

Final post from New Zealand

The time has finally come...

We are all but packed up (the packers come on Tuesday to pack up and remove everything that is moving to the US), and sorted ready for the move.  It's been a while since I posted anyting - driven mainly by the lack of fiber work undertaken, but here is a brief summary:

I missed the November guild meeting, as I was in North America briefly (including a little bit of house hunting in TN) - Anne did go along though.  Then we both missed the next meeting as we had visitors over from the US, which left the final meeting this month (Feb - there isn't a January meeting) - so time to return our library books, and say some good-byes to the wonderful group of weavers we got to know in our year back here.

I gave my 6 year old granddaugther a drop spindle (an Ashford top whorl beginners spindle) and wool to start her off (young) with an interest in fiber, although she was far more interested in my mandolin - also given to her for future use.

My sister-in-law gave me the Ashford traditional (1 of 4 wheels she had!) that I had had on loan all year.  I have spun quite a lot of fiber on it (also from Jenny) and really did enjoy it - so was very pleased that it will now join my Rappard 'Little Peggy' in the US. (2 out of 2 NZ wheels!).

The upright loom was dismantled and moved to the garage to join the counterbalance loom (parts) ready to be uplifted by the packers.
The two looms in pieces ready to be packed
 All going well we should be established in Eastern Tennessee by mid-summer, and hopefully I can get all my looms up and running in one place.